CS155: Computer and Network Security

Computer and Network Security

Spring 2020

The course covers principles of building secure systems. We give many examples of how things can go wrong if these principles are not followed.


Course syllabus (and readings)
Course overview (grading, textbooks, coursework, exams)
Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, 1:30-2:50, via Zoom on Canvas
If you are not yet signed up for the course, email cs155ta@cs for a Zoom link.
Sections: Friday, 3:30pm, via Zoom on Canvas
CA mailing list: cs155ta@cs

Course announcements will be made via Piazza. All non-sensitive questions/concerns should be asked through Piazza. Regrade requests should be made through Gradescope. Sensitive questions and OAE letters should be sent to the CA mailing list.

Practice: final exams from previous years

There is no final exam this year. However, to exercise your understanding of the material, here are final exams from previous years. These are intended for practice only, and need not be turned in.

2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005.


All homework submission is to be done via Gradescope. Please use course code 9JVR4K to sign up. Note that Gradescope requires that the solution to every problem start on a new page.

Homework #1:   html
Due: Thursday, Apr. 30, 11:59pm
Homework #2:   html
Due: Monday, June 1, 11:59pm


Project #1:   Control hijacking.
Due: Part 1: Thursday, April 16.    Part 2: Thursday, April 23.
Project #2:   Web security.
Due: Part 1: Thursday, May 14.     Part 2: Thursday, May 21.
Project #3:   Networking.
  • pdf
  • VM box   (md5: 644c9ced488b59b9cf602aed7590672c)
Due: Monday, June 8. (at most one late day allowed)

Course Calendar